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August 28, 2020 1 min read

Our Kombucha sorbet is a dairy-free frozen treat makes a delicious alternative to ice cream.


Serves: 2-4


  • 1 cup kiwi, peeled and cut into ½ inch pieces  
  • 1 cup cucumber cut into ½ inch pieces
  • 1 cup Tropical Mango Wonder Drink
  • Small handful of fresh mint leaves, plus more for garnish
  • 1-2 tbsp honey


  1. Chop kiwi and cucumber into small pieces and freeze for at least one to two hours.
  2. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend on high for about 30 seconds until smooth. Adjust the sweetness if desired.
  3. For a softer sorbet, serve immediately.  
  4. Serve with fresh mint and add kiwi slices on top if you desire. Enjoy!

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